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薄型テレビと関連する液晶・有機EL・プラズマ技術、業界企業そして市場トレンド情報を掲載していきます。 このブログで激しい市場の動きに追随できます。---- Since Nov.2004


3 Dec

米年末商戦「特売」で合格点 ブラックフライデー前年比0・5%増

「ブラックフライデー」と呼ばれる感謝祭翌日の27日、米国の個人消費の行方を占う年末商戦が本格的にスタートし、堅調な滑り出しを見せた。小売り各社のディスカウント戦略が価格に敏感な消費者を引き寄せ、「力強い」客足につながっているようだ。  調査会社ショッパートラックは28日、今年のブラックフライデーの売り上げを前年比0.5%増の107億ドルと発表した。全米小売業協会(NRF)によれば、高解像度テレビ、ノートパソコン、ハムスター型の玩具「チューチュー・ペット」、冬物コートなどが人気を集めている。  小売り世界最大手の米ウォルマート・ストアーズは、27日午前5時にセールを開始。ヒューレット・パッカード(HP)製ノートパソコンを298ドルで販売するなど、さまざまな特売商品で客を集めた。  また、家電量販最大手のベストバイは、韓国サムソン製42インチ型フラットパネル型テレビを547.99ドルで販売して客を引きつけた。ベストバイのダン最高経営責任者(CEO)は、早朝セールの集客が前年を上回ったと発表。08年に比べて各店舗の前にできた行列は長く、ウェブサイトへの訪問者も多いという。続きを読む »
26 Nov

Vizio LCD TV sales hit high prior to Thanksgiving, says Amtran

Vizio saw its LCD TV shipments surge to 86,000 units in the US marketduring the week preceding Thanksgiving, hitting the highest weekly level so far in 2009, according to Amtran Technology, which makes LCD TVs for the US vendor.
Promotion in retail channels and smooth product transition generated strong sales during the week prior to Thanksgiving, with sales mostly from the 32-inch and 37-inch segments, Amtran said. Vizio shipped 3,600 units of 55-inch models during the week, and expects 55-inch shipments to exceed 10,000 units in November, Amtran added.
 in 2008 Vizio shipped 43,000 LCD TVs for the week preceding Thanksgiving, and 145,000 units during the Thanksgiving week, Amtran noted. Amtran expects strong LCD TV shipments during the Thanksgiving week for Vizio this year.
 Vizio lost its number-one LCD TV vendor position in the US to Samsung Electronics in the third quarter, as the Korea vendor placed a strong emphasis on advanced LED-backlit models and reduced prices for its high-end sets, according to iSuppli data. Samsung shipped 1.3 million
LCD TVs in the US in the third quarter, while Vizio shipped 1.2 million LCD TVs, according to iSuppli.
 Amtran expects Vizio to hit record shipments in the fourth quarter thanks to year-end holiday shopping, and Vizio will achieve the shipment goal of 4.2-4.5 million units for 2009.
 Amtran also said the joint venture it has set up in China with LG Display mainly targets clients in Asia and South America. It has received LCD TV OEM orders from the top-three China TV vendors, with shipments beginning in the fourth quarter of 2009 and expected to increase significantly in 2010, said Amtran.
20 Nov

Vizio Reveals Holiday Promo Prices To Spur Q4 Growth

Vizio's product team revealed here Wednesday a handful of new LCD TV models and holiday promotional prices aimed at maintaining the brand's competitive surge during the critical fourth quarter.

The company's CEO and founder William Wang, who was traveling in Asia this week, announced over there that Vizio expects to sell 6 million TVs in North America in 2009, and has set a goal of selling 10 million units in 2010.
Market research firm iSuppli recently ranked Vizio No. 2 in U.S. LCD TV shipment market share for the third quarter of 2009, and No. 1 in cumulative North American LCD TV shipments for the full year as of the end of September.
According to iSuppli, Vizio has shipped 4.075 million LCD TV units into the U.S. at the start of the fourth quarter, followed by Samsung with 3.894 million, Sony with 2.362 million, LG with 1.739 million and Toshiba with 1.686 million.
Vizio's third quarter LCD TV shipments grew 87 percent from 658,997 in the third quarter of 2008, to 1,234,667 in Q3 2009, iSuppli reported.


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